Abandoned Factory = Not busy: not reaching full potential; laziness; idleness; sloth; natural workplace (when applicable.)
Acid = Bitter: offense; carrying a grudge; hatred; sarcasm.
Acts 8:23, Hebrews 12:15
Adultery = Sin: idolatry; pornography. (see also, sex)
James 4:4a, Ecclesiastes 7:26, Proverbs 30:20, Matthew 5:28
Airline Pilot = Self: if the pilot is a teacher in the dream, then the passengers usually represent the driver’s students, or people over whom the pilot has influence or authority. (see also, friend)
Airplane = Person or work: church (if large airplane, such as a passenger airplane;) travel; if a small plane may indicate a person, personal ministry, or oversight. (see also, flying/soaring, flying near electrical/power lines, flying too low, airplane crash, falling, fighter, bomber, jet, pilot)
Psalm 18:10, Acts 8:39a
Airplane Crash = Failure: church split (survivors would most likely be those remaining after the split;) personal disaster (i.e. a failed marriage, business venture, etc.) (see also, flying near electrical/power lines, flying too low, falling, fighter, bomber, jet, pilot)
Airport = Waiting: preparing; being made ready (for ministry, travel, change, etc.); the Church.
1st Peter 3:20, Jeremiah 23:22
Alligator = Ancient: Evil out of the past (as alligators are considered to be Old World Animals) from inheritance or personal sin; danger, destruction, evil spirit (see also;bear.)
Job 41:1,10
Ankles = Faith: if weak ankles, then weak faith unsupported; undependable. (see also, knees, hips, river)
Ezekiel 47:3
Ant = Industrious: Wise; diligent; prepared for the future;nuisance, stinging or angry words.
Proverbs 6:6-8 & Proverbs 10:5
Antiques = Past: inherited from our forefathers (good or evil;) memories. (see also, attic, grandmother, rocking chair)
Jeremiah 6:16a
Antlers = Power: authority; past authority (if shed.) (see also; horns & wild game)
Apples = Fruit: words; sin; temptation; appreciation (as in ‘give a teacher an apple;’) fruit of the Spirit.
Proverbs 25:11, Genesis 3:6, Matthew 12:33-34, Galatians 5:22-23
Arm = Strength or Weakness: savior; deliverer; helper; aid; reaching out (showing mercy;) striker.
Isaiah 53:1, Titus 1:7, Jeremiah 17:5
Arrows = Words: children; accusations; attacks of the enemy.(see also, bow & arrows)
Ashes = Memories: (that which has been reduced to ashes remains only in memory;) repentance; ruin; destruction.
Job 13:12,42:6
Atom Bomb = Power: Holy Spirit outpouring (the atom bomb is both a sign of the last days and a parable of God’s mighty power;) miracle power; sudden destruction.
Acts 1:8,2:17,19, 1st Thessalonians 5:3
Attic = Mind: thought; attitude (good or bad;) learning; spiritual realm.
Acts 10:9b-11, Philippians 3:13
Automobile = Life: person; ministry; if new, then new ministry or new way of life; if fast may mean a reckless, self-righteous, or unsaved person (as in ‘living life in the fast lane.) (see also, van, motorcycle, limousine, convertible)
Genesis 41:43, 2nd Kings 10:16, 1st Thessalonians 2:18
Automobile Breakdown = Problem: sickness; spirit of poverty; demonic attack; hindrance(s) (to one’s life, ministry, career, livelihood, etc.)
Automobile Crash/Wreck= Strife: contention; conflict; confrontation; calamity; offense; mistake or sin in ministry (as in ‘a failure to maintain the right of way.’) (see also, boat, car)
Nahum 2:4
Automobile, Convertible = Covered/Uncovered: (depending on the top position in the dream;) if top up: the emphasis is on the covering of the auto owner or driver’s life (i.e. spirit, attitude, covenant, etc.); if the top is down, then: everything revealed; open; nothing hidden; a self-righteous or unsaved person (as in ‘living in the fast lane;’) not submitted to authority; pride; sin or evil exposed. (see also, car, motorcycle)
Acts 24:16, Genesis 9:21, 1st Corinthians 11:5, Isaiah 30:1
Autumn = End: completion; change; repentance.
Isaiah 64:6, Jeremiah 8:20
Axe = Word: gospel; preaching; exhorting others; rebuke; repentance.
Matthew 3:10, Proverbs 27:17, Ecclesiastes 10:10
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Baby = New: beginning; new idea; new work (church;) dependant; helpless; innocent; sin; natural baby.
1st Corinthians 3:1, 1st Peter 2:2, James 1:14-15
Baby Elephant = Potential for greatness: the beginning of something large or great.
Back = The Past: previous event(s) or experience(s) (good or evil;) unaware; unsuspecting; hidden; memory.
Back Door = The Past: previous event(s) or experience(s) (good or evil;) unaware; unsuspecting; hidden; memory; entrance; Christ; new opportunity; way; avenue; mouth.
John 10:7, Colossians 4:3, Psalm 141:3.
Back half of horse = Last part of time or work: end; an offensive or obnoxious person.
Baker = Instigator: one who cooks up and serves ideas; originator; Christ; satan; minister; self. (see also, oven)
Hosea 7:4,6
Bank = Secure: dependable; safe; saved; certain (as in ‘you can bank on it;’) reward reserved in heaven; the Church.
Luke 19:23, Matthew 6:20
Barbershop = Church: place of removal of old covenant of sin; occult; religion. (see also, hair, beard, beauty shop)
Judges 16:17, Romans 12:2a
Barn = Storehouse: Church; relating to the work of the ministry; provision; large work. (see also, hay)
Matthew 13:30, Proverbs 14:4, Luke 12:18
Baseball Cards = Hero Worship: esteem for another person (proper or improper;) could reveal a soul tie.
1st Thessalonians 5:13a, 1st Samuel 17:4
Baseball Game = Worship: idolatry; covetousness; true worship; spiritual warfare; striving; competition.
Basement = Soul: carnal nature; lust; discouragement; depression; refuge; retreat; hidden; forgotten; secret sin; put away or stored. (see also, foundation)
Jeremiah 38:6
Bat = Witchcraft: flighty, unstable, creature of the night, fear.
Leviticus 11:13-19
Bathing = Cleansing: sanctification; repentance; temptation. (see also, soap, washbasin, washcloth)
Psalm 51:2-3, Ephesians 5:25-26, 2nd Samuel 11:2
Bathroom = Desire or Cleansing: prayer of repentance; confession of offenses or sins to another person; passion; strong lust.
Isaiah 1:16, Proverbs 17:14, 2nd Samuel 11:2,4
Battery (electrical) = Power: strength; prayer; motivation; weak; without spiritual power.
Jude 1:20
Battleship = Spiritual warfare: rescue.
Bear = Destroyer: destruction; an evil curse (through inheritance or personal sin, including financial loss or hardship); economic loss/bear market; danger; opposition; Russia (see also; snake & alligator.)
Amos 5:19, 2nd Kings 2:23-24
Beard = Covering: humanity; relating to the heart; if rough & unshaven face, then spiritual neglect or uncleanness; coarse or harsh personality. (see also, hair)
Leviticus 21:5
Beauty Shop = Church: preparation; vanity; pride; holiness; gossip; slander. (see also, barbershop)
Hosea 10:5, Proverbs 31:30, 1st Corinthians 11:15, Psalm 29:2
Beaver = Industrious: busy/’busy as a beaver,’ diligent; clever; ingenious
Proverbs 10:4,Proverbs 24:3
Bed = Rest: salvation; meditation; intimacy; privacy; peace; covenant (as in marriage or the marriage bed;) evil covenant (as in spiritual or natural adultery;) self-made, harmful conditions (as in ‘you’ve made your bed, now sleep in it.’)
Psalm 4:4,Psalm 139:8, Isaiah 28:18-20, Hebrews 13:4, James 4:4a)
Bedroom = Rest: salvation; meditation; intimacy; privacy; peace; covenant (as in marriage or the marriage bed;) evil covenant (as in spiritual or natural adultery;) self-made, harmful conditions (as in ‘you’ve made your bed, now sleep in it.’)
Psalm 4:4,Psalm 139:8, Isaiah 28:18-20, Hebrews 13:4, James 4:4a)
Bees = Chastisement or offense: stinging words; affliction; busybody; gossip; busy/’busy as a bee,’ (see also;hornets.)
Deuteronomy 1:44, Psalm 118:12, 1st Timothy 5:13
Bells = Sign indicating Change or God’s presence or vanity: times are changing; manifestations of the Spirit (speaking in tongues, etc.); bells as jewelry may mean pride.
Exodus 28:34, 1st Corinthians 13:1,14:22a, Isaiah 3:16
Belly = Spirit: desire; lust; heart; feelings; selfishness; self-worship; sickness.
John 7:38, Proverbs 26:22, Philippians 3:19
Bestiality = Inordinate Lust: unnatural deviant sex acts; obscene. (see also, sex)
Leviticus 18:23, 1st Thessalonians 4:3-5
Bicycle = Works: works of the flesh (i.e. not of faith;) legalism; self-righteousness; working out life’s difficulties (when riding up hill or in sand or mud;) messenger (as in ‘paper delivery boy/courier;’) a bicycle built for two (or one with a child seat) may represent family; more than one person involved.
Galatians 5:4,19
Bikini = Uncovered: carnal; seduction; temptation; insufficient covering.
Isaiah 47:3
Bingo = Winner or Correct: sudden victory; correct; answer; idea; or understanding.
1st Corinthians 9:24, Matthew 16:15-16
Binoculars = Insight: understanding; prophetic vision; future event; if unfocused or blurred, then may mean without understanding or insight. (see also, telescope)
John 16:13, 2nd Corinthians 3:13
Bird = Spirit: Holy Spirit; message; demon; gossip, (see also; crow/raven, eagle, owl, vulture.)
John 1:32, Ecclesiastes 10:20, Revelation 18:2
Black = Lack: sin; ignorance; grief; mourning; gloomy; evil; ominous; famine; burned.
Proverbs 7:6-9, Jeremiah 8:21-22, Lamentations 5:10, Song of Solomon 5:11
Black horse = Famine: bad times; evil. (see also, black)
Revelation 6:5, Amos 8:11
Black man = If stranger, see black; if known, see specific person such as; friend, brother, carpenter, etc.
Black Widow = Danger: great danger; deadly; life-threatening; evil; slander.
James 3:8
Bladder = Spirit: if full bladder, then may mean pressure, as in a compelling urge; temptation (as in sexual lust or strife;) if bladder infection or cancer, then offense or enmity.
Proverbs 17:14, 1st Samuel 25:22
Bleeding = Wounded: hurt (natural or emotional;) spiritually dying; offended; in strife; gossip; unclean. (see also, hospital, blood)
Psalm 147:3, Proverbs 18:8
Blimp = Weak: moved by every wind; wimp; controlled; powerless; slothful; aimless; puffed up.
Ephesians 4:14
Blind = Ignorance: unseeing; without understanding; foolish; self-justification; self-righteousness; hatred; sealed; unlearned.
Matthew 15:14,23:26, Revelation 3:17, 2nd Peter 1:9, 1st John 2:11
Blood = Life of the Flesh: covenant; murder; defiled; unclean; pollution; purging; testimony; witness; guilt. (see also, blood transfusion)
Leviticus 17:11a,15:19, Deuteronomy 27:25, Psalm 106:38, Ezekiel 33:8
Blood Transfusion = Change: regeneration; salvation; deliverance.
Titus 3:5, Romans 12:3
Blue = Spiritual: spiritual gifts; divine revelation; heavenly visitation; depressed (as in ‘feeling blue’/’singing the blues;’) a male infant. (see also, medium or dark blue, very light blue)
Numbers 4:7,9, Ezekiel 23:6, Proverbs 20:30a, Luke 2:13-14
Boar = Persecutor: hostile to virtue; vicious; vengeful; danger.
Psalm 80:13, 2nd Timothy 3:2-3
Boat = Support: life; person; recreation; spare time; if a large boat/ship, then the Church; if a small boat/ship, then personal ministry; if sailboat, then moved by the Spirit; if powerboat, then powerful ministry or fast progress. (see also, battleship, shipwreck, raft)
Genesis 6:16, Luke 8:22-23, 1st Timothy 1:19
Body Odor = Uncleanness: bad attitude; filthiness of the flesh; rejected.
2nd Corinthians 7:1, James 4:8,1:21a, Ecclesiastes 10:1
Bolts/Nuts = Essential: bottom line (as in ‘getting down to the nuts and bolts’;) indispensible; wisdom; to fasten. (see also, lock washer)
Proverbs 4:7
Bones = Spirit: condition of the heart; death; that which is eternal.
Matthew 23:27, Ezekiel 37:11, Proverbs 17:22
Book = Record: Word of God; heart of man; witness; remembrance (good or evil;) conscience; education; knowledge.(see also, library)
Revelation 20:12, Malachi 3:16, 2nd Corinthians 3:2
Boots = Words: gospel; covenant; preparation; if new, then new ministry or way of life; if combat or heavy boots, then spiritual warfare; if steel-towed boots, then may mean protection. (see also, feet, shoes)
Ephesians 6:15, Ruth 4:7, Galatians 5:16
Bow & Arrows = Words or Person: accusations; slander; gossip; prayer; deliverance.
Psalm 64:3,11:2, Proverbs 25:18, 2nd Kings 13:17, Isaiah 49:2
Bow = Tongue: power.
Bowl = Vessel: doctrine; tradition; a determination or resolve; form of the truth; a person.
Romans 2:20, Exodus 25:29, Isaiah 28:9-10, Jeremiah 1:13, 2nd Kings 21:13, 1st Thessalonians 4:3-5
Bowling = Striving: preaching; deliverance; trial; tribulation. (see also, wrestling)
2nd Timothy 4:7, 1st Corinthians 9:25-26
Brake Failure = Overcome: not able to discontinue a bad habit or change a tradition; no resistance to temptation.
2nd Peter 2:14
Brakes = Stop: hindrance; resist; wait.
Acts 16:6-7
Brass = Word: Word of God; word of man; judgment; hypocrisy; self-justification; fake; man’s tradition.
Revelation 1:15, 1st Corinthians 13:1, 2nd Corinthians 12:10, Ephesians 6:16, Isaiah 48:4
Bread = Life or Word: doctrine; covenant; the Church; substances; provision (money, food, etc.) (see also, moldy bread)
Matthew 4:4, Judges 7:13-14, John 13:18, 2nd Thessalonians 3:8
Bride = Church: (as in participating in a marriage ceremony;) covenant (good or bad;) natural marriage.
Isaiah 62:5, Ephesians 5:31-32, 2nd Corinthians 6:14
Bridge = Support or Way: faith, trial (of faith;) joined.
Genesis 32:22, Isaiah 43:2a, 1st Corinthians 10:13
Briers = Snare: obstacles; hindrances; trial; wicked person; rejected; cursed. (see also, stickers, thorns)
Isaiah 32:13a, Micah 7:4a, Hebrews 6:8
Bright/Fire Orange = Power: force; energy; energetic; danger.
Matthew 5:22, Proverbs 6:27
Broom = Cleaning or Witchcraft: clean house (put away sin.) (see also, sweeping)
John 2:15, Galatians 5:19-20a
Brother = Self: spiritual or natural brother; someone he reminds you of; may represent someone you can trust. (see also, friend)
Romans 2:1,14:10a, Hebrews 13:3
Brother-in-law = Partiality or adversary: fellow minister; someone he reminds you of; problem relationship; partner; oneself; he may represent himself. (see also, friend)
1st Timothy 5:21, Esther 7:6a
Brother’s wife = The brother himself
Brown/Tan = Dead (as dead grass is brown): repented; born again; without spirit.
1st Peter 1:24
Bubble Gum = Childish: foolishness; immaturity.
Proverbs 15:14,22:15
Buck/Male Deer = Regal: rule; authority; power.
Building Frame = Foundation: (as in a concrete slab for a building under construction) established; stable; unstable (when shaky;) not ready to proceed with construction (when incomplete;) the gospel; sound doctrine; church government; building program.
Psalm 11:3, Luke 14:29, 1st Corinthians 3:10-11, Ephesians 2:20
Bull = Persecutions: spiritual warfare; opposition; accusation; slander; threat;economic gain/’bull market.’ (see also; calf)
Psalm 22:12
Bulldog = Unyielding: stubborn; dangerous; tenacious.
Judges 2:19
Bullets/Gun = Words: accusations; slander; gossip; power; if broken or inoperative gun, then may mean without authority or ability, without power, hindered; if .22/small caliber, then weak or ineffective weapon, without power, lack of prayer and/or fasting; if .357/larger caliber, then powerful, spiritual power through acceptable service, covenant, effective, the power of evil working through agreement (acquiescence) or conquest (our defeat.)
Burrs = Irritant: irritated (as in a ‘burr under his saddle;’) minor afflictions.
Hebrews 6:8,Exodus 22:6, Matthew 13:22
Bus = Church: working together; group mission/ministry; if a tour/passenger bus, them most likely sojourners, Christians, sight-seers. (see also, school bus)
2nd Kings 4:38, 2nd Timothy 2:2, Hebrews 11:9a
Bus Driver = Self: if the bus driver is a teacher in the dream, then the passengers usually represent the driver’s students. (see also, friend)
Bus Station = Waiting: preparing; being made ready (for ministry, travel, change, etc.); the Church.
1st Peter 3:20, Jeremiah 23:22
Butter = Works: doing (or not doing) the word or will of God; deceptive motives; words; works; smooth talker; deceiver. (see also, cheese)
Psalm 55:21, Proverbs 30:33, Isaiah 7:15
Butterfly = Freedom: beauty; fragile flighty/flitting about; temporary glory.
Buzzard = Scavenger: unclean; impure; an evil person; all seeing & waiting (in an evil sense, as a person hovering waiting for parents to die so that they can take their possessions.)
Deuteronomy 14:12-13, Proverbs 30:17
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Cafeteria = Service/Ministry: people or work; teaching; helps ministry; deacon ministry.
Matthew 16:18
Calendar = Time: date; event; appointment. (see also, clock)
Hosea 6:11
Calf = Increase:prosperity; children of the Kingdom; idolatry; false worship; stubbornness. (see also; cow/heifer)
Camel = Endurance: (because they can go long periods without sustenance) long journey; ungainly/non-graceful.
Hebrews 6:25
Car = Life: person; ministry; if new, then new ministry or new way of life; if fast may mean a reckless, self-righteous, or unsaved person (as in ‘living life in the fast lane.) (see also, van, motorcycle, limousine, convertible)
Genesis 41:43, 2nd Kings 10:16, 1st Thessalonians 2:18
Car Crash/Wreck = Strife: contention; conflict; confrontation; calamity; offense; mistake or sin in ministry (as in ‘a failure to maintain the right of way.’) (see also, boat, car)
Nahum 2:4
Car, Convertible = Covered/Uncovered: (depending on the top position in the dream;) if top up: the emphasis is on the covering of the auto owner or driver’s life (i.e. spirit, attitude, covenant, etc.); if the top is down, then: everything revealed; open; nothing hidden; a self-righteous or unsaved person (as in ‘living in the fast lane;’) not submitted to authority; pride; sin or evil exposed. (see also, car, motorcycle)
Acts 24:16, Genesis 9:21, 1st Corinthians 11:5, Isaiah 30:1
Cards = Facts: honesty (as in ‘putting all your cards on the table;’) truth; expose or reveal; dishonesty; underhanded dealing; cheating; wisdom (as in ‘knowing when to hold and when to fold.’)
Romans 12:17b
Carnival/Flesh = Worldly: festivity; party spirit; exhibitionism; divination; competition. (see also, roller coaster)
Luke 21:34, Acts 16:16
Carpenter = Builder: preacher; evangelist; laborer (good or evil;) Christ.
2nd Kings 22:6, Isaiah 41:7, Mark 6:3
Cartoon Character = Person: one who is like or acting in the same way was the cartoon character.
Judges 9:14
Cat = Self-willed: untrainable; unteachable; predator, arrogant; unclean spirit, demon, bewitching charm; witchcraft; stealthy; sneaky; crafty; deception; self-pity; lustful/unfaithful (when in the context of an ‘alley cat’ or ‘tom-cat’.)
Proverbs 7:10-12, 21
Caterpillar = Devourer: potential.
Joel 1:4
Chair = Rest or Position: quietness, position of authority (as in ‘chairman of the board.’)
Isaiah 30:15, Matthew 23:6
Check (Bank) = Faith: (the currency of the Kingdom of God) provision; trust; if it is a bad check, then may mean fraud, deception, hypocrisy, lack of faith or prayer.
Hebrews 11:1, Mark 4:40, Luke 17:5
Cheese = Works: doing (or not doing) the Word or will of God. (see also, butter)
John 4:34, Job 10:10
Chewing = Meditate: (as in ‘let me chew on that awhile;’) receiving wisdom and understanding; if chewing bubble gum, then childishness; foolishness; if chewing on tough meat, then a hard saying or difficult work. (see also, eating, food, milk, teeth)
1st Timothy 4:15, Psalm 49:3, Proverbs 24:9
Chicken = Fear:cowardliness. (see also; hen, rooster, or chick)
Deuteronomy 1:29
Child/Children = Oneself or themselves: the character or behavior reveals something about oneself (or something about one’s own child if the dream is be naturally interpreted.) Someone whom they remind you of; having the characteristics of said child; innocence; purity; mutliple children gathered may represent the Church.
Ezekiel 16:44, Isaiah 3:4, 12a
Choking = Hindrance: stumbling, over something (as in ‘too much to swallow;) hatred or anger (as in ‘I could choke him!’); unfruitful (as in ‘the weeds choked out the tomatoes.’)
Mark 4:19
Christmas = Gift: season of rejoicing; spiritual gifts; a surprise; good will; benevolence; commercialism.
Luke 11:13, 1st Corinthians 14:1
Church Service = Worship: true or false worship; tradition.
John 4:24, Mark 7:7
Cigar Boat = Support: powerful ministry or fast progress; life; person; smuggling; prideful; wasteful; recreation; spare time; if a large boat/ship, then the Church; if a small boat/ship, then personal ministry. (see also, battleship, shipwreck)
Genesis 6:16, Luke 8:22-23, 1st Timothy 1:19
Cigar/Smoking = Pride: haughty; arrogant.
Isaiah 65:5, Proverbs 21:24, 1st Corinthians 8:1, Deuteronomy 29:19-20
Cigarette/Smoking = Pride: bitterness; bitter memories; offense; unforgiving; envy; jealousy; self-righteousness.
Isaiah 65:5, Proverbs 21:24, 1st Corinthians 8:1, Deuteronomy 29:19-20
City = Characteristics: that for which a city is known; the Church; a person’s character.
Jude 1:7, Acts 20:23, Proverbs 25:28
Civil Trail = Judgment: trial; persecution; justice; legal matters; conviction. (see also, judge, lawyer, miscarriage)
Deuteronomy 16:18, 17:6-13, Isaiah 43:12, Psalm 94:20, 1st Corinthians 6:1, Matthew 18:15-19
Clock = Time: late; early; delay. (see also, grandfather clock, calendar)
Ephesians 5:16
Closet = Private: personal; prayer; secret sin (as in ‘skeletons in the closet;’) something hidden.
Matthew 6:6, Luke 8:17,12:2
Clothing = Covering: righteousness; spirit (attitude;) if filthy clothes, then unrighteousness; self-righteousness; uncleanness.(see also coat, skirt)
Romans 13:14, Psalm 132:9a, James 2:2, Isaiah 64:6a, Psalm 109:18
Clouds = Change or Covering: trouble; distress; threatening; thoughts (of trouble;) confusion; hidden; covered; if white clouds, then good change; glory; revival. (see also fog)
Zephaniah 1:15, Zechariah 10:1
Clown = Fool: foolish works of the flesh; the ‘old man’/flesh; childish; mischief. (see also, drunk)
Ecclesiastes 7:4, Proverbs 10:23a
Coat = Covering: anointing; authority; protection; grief; shame; confusion. (see also, shirt, shirtless, clothing)
2nd Kings 2:14-15a, Psalm 109:17-19,29
Cockleburs/Stickers = Irritant: irritated (as in a ‘burr under his saddle;’) minor afflictions.
Hebrews 6:8,Exodus 22:6, Matthew 13:22
Cocoon = Metamorphosis: transformation; change.
Romans 12:2
Coffee = Bitter or Stimulant: desire for revenge; bitter envying; bitter memories; wake-up call; become sober.
James 3:14, Ephesians 5:14, Titus 2:6
Cold Feet = Retreat: renege on deal; does not keep promises; fearful
1st Samuel 17:24
Compass = Directions: word of God; correction; advice.
Proverbs 6:23
Concrete Slab = Foundation: (as in a concrete slab for a building under construction) established; stable; unstable (when shaky;) not ready to proceed with construction (when incomplete;) the gospel; sound doctrine; church government; building program.
Psalm 11:3, Luke 14:29, 1st Corinthians 3:10-11, Ephesians 2:20
Cord/Rope = Bondage: sin; covenant; vow; hindrances; rescue; salvation.
Proverbs 5:22, Psalm 118:27, Jeremiah 38:11
Cornet/Trumpet = Voice: announcement; preaching; prophesying; warning; call to assemble; worship; tongues; the rapture; if sounding reveille, then beginning, wake-up, call to assemble; if playing ‘taps,’ then end; finished.
Isaiah 58:1, 1st Corinthians 14:8,15:52, Joel 2:15, Ephesians 5:14
Cornucopia/Horn of Plenty = Abundance: abundance without measure or limitation; goodness without end; blessed.
Deuteronomy 28:2,4-5, Galatians 5:22-23, Ephesians 3:20
Couch = Rest: at ease; unconcerned; lazy (as in ‘couch potato.’)
Psalm 25:13, Amos 6:4
Country = Isolated: quiet; peaceful; restful; removed from the city. (for a specific country see, nation)
Mark 6:31
Courthouse = Judgment: trial; persecution; justice; legal matters; conviction. (see also, judge, lawyer, miscarriage)
Deuteronomy 16:18, 17:6-13, Isaiah 43:12, Psalm 94:20, 1st Corinthians 6:1, Matthew 18:15-19
Cow/Heifer = Rebellious woman.
Crash, airplane = Failure: church split (survivors would most likely be those remaining after the split;) personal disaster (i.e. a failed marriage, business venture, etc.) (see also, flying near electrical/power lines, flying too low, falling, pilot)
Crash, Car/Automobile = Strife: contention; conflict; confrontation; calamity; offense; mistake or sin in ministry (as in ‘a failure to maintain the right of way.’) (see also, boat, car)
Nahum 2:4
Crash, Ship/Boat = Apostasy; church split.
Crash, Train = Failure: church split (survivors would most likely be those remaining after the split;) personal disaster (i.e. a failed marriage, business venture, etc.) (see also, train, driver)
Crawfish/Crawdaddy = Retreat:coward; renege on a promise; defensive or cautious (if in the dream it has raised claws.)
1st Samuel 17:24
Crossroads = Decision: confusion; choice; job change; career change; geographical move. (see also, left turn, right turn)
Luke 18:18,22-23
Crow/Raven = Confusion: outspoken person; person operating under/out of a spirit of envy or strife, which causes confusion and disorder;) hateful; depression; grief; death; suicide; straight path/direct route (‘as the crow flies;’) God’s minister(s) of justice or provision.
James 3:16, Isaiah 34:11, Psalm 35:26, Proverbs 30:17
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Dark/Medium Blue = God’s Spirit or Word: blessing; healing; good will.
Daughter = Themselves: or someone whom they remind you of; having the characteristics of said child; innocence; purity; multiple children gathered may represent the Church.
Deer = Graceful: swift; sure-footed; agile; provision; timid; skittish.
2nd Samuel 22:34
Deflated Tires = Discouragement: dismay, hindrance, lack of prayer, lack of covering, lack of power.
Exodus 14:25
Den = Revealed: everyday or current affairs; that which is manifest; truth exposed; without hypocrisy. (see also, porch)
Mark 2:4-5
Doctor = Healer: authority; Christ; preacher; medical doctor; illness.
Mark 2:17,5:26, 2nd Chronicles 16:12, 1st Corinthians 11:30-32
Dog = Strife: contention; offense; unclean spirit; obsession; guilt, shame, cowardly (if tail is tucked;) betrayal, unthankful, (if biting the hand that feeds it;) incessant nuisance, annoyance (if barking repeatedly;) single-minded pursuit of evil; demonized; deliberately evil; contagious evil; persecution; great danger (if a rapid dog) friend, acceptance (if tail is wagging;) persistence (if trailing game;) warning (if a positive bark) (see also; rapid dog, watchdog, bulldog, & hunting dog)
Galatians 5:15, Proverbs 26:17, Psalm 109:5, 2nd Timothy 3:2-4
Donkey/Jackass/Ass = Obnoxious: Self-willed; bragging (if braying) stubborn; unyielding; tenacious.(see also; mule)
Proverbs 26:3, Numbers 22:25, 2nd Peter 2:16
Door = Entrance: Christ; new opportunity; way; avenue; mouth.
John 10:7, Colossians 4:3, Psalm 141:3
Dove = Spirit: Holy Spirit; message; demon; gossip, (see also; crow/raven, eagle, owl, vulture.)
John 1:32, Ecclesiastes 10:20, Revelation 18:2
Driver = Control: self; Christ; pastor; teacher; satan; the emphasis may be on the nature of the driver (careless, careful, frantic, confident, selfish, rude, kind, etc.) (see also, school bus driver)
2nd Kings 9:20
Driving backwards = Operating by the letter of the law/word: (usually while looking in the rearview mirror;) legalism; not by the spirit of the law or God’s Spirit; looking back; not looking forward; wanting to return to Egypt/vomit. (see also, mirror)
2nd Corinthians 3:6, Philippians 3:16
Drunk = Influenced: under a spell (i.e. under the influence of the Holy Spirit or a demonic spirit, such as witchcraft;) controlled; addicted; fool; unchangeable; stubborn; rebellious; selfish; self-indulging; proud; violent; conceited; arrogant; boastful.
Ephesians 5:18, Acts 2:13-18, Luke 21:34, Deuteronomy 21:20, Proverbs 12:15,14:16
Drunkard = Influenced: under a spell (i.e. under the influence of the Holy Spirit or a demonic spirit, such as witchcraft;) controlled; addicted; fool; unchangeable; stubborn; rebellious; selfish; self-indulging; proud; violent; conceited; arrogant; boastful.
Ephesians 5:18, Acts 2:13-18, Luke 21:34, Deuteronomy 21:20, Proverbs 12:15,14:16
Dusty relics from the past = Memories(can be good or bad)
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Eagle = Leader: prophet (can be true or false;) to see from above (as in ‘an eagle’s eye view;’) to see clearly; wisdom; insight; God’s restorative power; minister; fierce predator; sorcerer;America.
Exodus 19:4, Isaiah 40:41, 46:11
East = Beginning: (In Hebrew: ‘In front of you when facing the rising son;’) Law of Moses (therefore, blessed or cursed;) birth; first; anticipate; false religion (as in ‘Eastern religions.’)
Genesis 11:2, 41:23,27, Exodus 10:13, Psalm 103:13)
Eight = Put off: (As in ‘putting off the old man,’ i.e. the works of the flesh;) sanctify; manifest; reveal; die; death; new beginnings (the result of putting off the old life is a new life or new beginning.)
Genesis 17:12a, 2nd Chronicles 29:17, 1st Peter 3:20-21, Colossians 3:9, 2nd Peter 1:14
Eighteen = Put on: judgment; destruction; captivity; overcome; put on the Spirit of Christ.
Judges 10:7-8a, Luke 13:4,13:11,16
Elephant = Invincible or thick-skinned: not easily offended; powerful; immovable; strong; large. (see also; elephant ears, baby elephant, and white elephant)
Philippians 4:13
Elephant Ears = Extra sensitive hearing
Eleven = End: finish; last; stop.
Matthew 20:9,12
Employee = Servant: slave; actual person in the natural. (see also, fellow employee, friend)
Colossians 3:22
Employer = Authority: pastor; Christ; satan; someone he or she resembles; in position; action or character; actual employer in the natural. (see also, name)
Colossians 4:1
Evergreen = Eternal life: immortal.
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Face, Rough & Unshaven = Spiritual Neglect: uncleanness; coarse or harsh personality. (see also, hair)
Leviticus 21:5
Factory = Production: getting things done; the Kingdom of God; the Church; the ‘world;’ the motions of sin. (see also, idle/abandoned factory, machines)
Luke 2:49, Romans 12:11
Fair/Carnival = Worldly: festivity; party spirit; exhibitionism; divination; competition. (see also, roller coaster)
Luke 21:34, Acts 16:16
Falcon = Hunter: minister. (see also, eagle)
Genesis 10:9
Family = Relatives: spiritual family; the Church; natural family.
1st Chronicles 13:14, Ephesians 3:15
Fangs = Evil intent/motive: danger.
Farm = Labor: field of labor; an area of ministry; the Kingdom of God; the Church (see also, barn, garden)
Mark 4:14, 2nd Corinthians 9:10
Farm Tractor = Powerful work: slow but powerful ministry; if plowing, then may represent preaching/teaching.
Acts 1:8,4:33
Farmer = Laborer: preacher, pastor; Christ; minister.
Mark 4:14, 2nd Corinthians 9:10
Father = Authority: God; author; originator; source; inheritance; tradition; custom; satan; natural father.
Malachi 2:10a, Ephesians 6:2, 2nd Corinthians 12:14b, Genesis 4:20-21, John 8:44
Father-in-law = Law: authoritative relationship based upon law (as in ‘Moses’ Law’ or church government;) legalism; problem (authoritative) relationship; he may represent himself.
Exodus 18:17
Fellow employee = Self: co-worker in Christ/the Kingdom; actual person in the natural.
Fifteen = Free: grace; liberty; sin covered; honor.
2nd Kings 20:6a, Hosea 3:2a, Genesis 7:20
Fifty = Assessment of works
Fighter Plane/Jet = Individual Ministry, Person, or Minister: powerful, fast, effective, attacking.
Filthy Clothes = Unrighteousness: uncleanness.(see also, coat, skirt)
Fire/Bright Orange = Power: force; energy; energetic; danger.
Matthew 5:22, Proverbs 6:27
Fish = Spirit or Soul: person (good or bad); a person’s character or motive (as in,’something sure smells fishy;’) Holy Spirit; unclean spirit. (see also; fishing)
Matthew 13:47-48, Luke 11:11)
Five = Serve: works; service; bondage (including debt, sickness, phobias, etc.); taxes; prison; sin; motion.
Genesis 1:20,23,41:34, Leviticus 27:31, John 8:34
Flea = Insignificant: nuisance; irritant; elusive.
1st Samuel 24:14
Fly = Unclean: corruption; demon; curse; nuisance.
Ecclesiastes 10:1, Exodus 8:24
Flying near electrical/power lines = Danger: caution; need for prayer. (see also, flying too low, airplane crash, falling, pilot)
Flying too low = Insufficient power (prayer) or preparation (training): not following/being led by the Spirit. (see also, flying near electrical/power lines, airplane crash, falling, pilot)
Flying/Soaring = Moved by the Spirit: ministering in the gifts of the Spirit. (see also, flying near electrical/power lines, flying too low, airplane crash, falling, pilot)
Foreigner = Alien: not of God; of the flesh; demonic; not of this world (therefore heavenly.) (see also, nation)
Lamentations 5:2, Proverbs 25:25
Forty = Acceptable or Unacceptable Rule: rule, fasting; dominion; judgment.
Foundation = Foundation: (as in a concrete slab for a building under construction) established; stable; unstable (when shaky;) not ready to proceed with construction (when incomplete;) the gospel; sound doctrine; church government; building program.
Psalm 11:3, Luke 14:29, 1st Corinthians 3:10-11, Ephesians 2:20
Four = Reign: rule (over the world;) kingdom; creation (including things in heaven and earth;) world.
Genesis 1:16-19
Four Wheel Drive Vehicle = Full ministry: personal ministry or work in the natural; dependable; hard work; rescue; solid biblical/gospel foundation. (see also, automobile, tires)
1st Chronicles 13:7, Genesis 45:27, Galatians 6:5
Fourteen = Double: recreate; reproduce; disciple; servant; employee/bond slave.
1st Kings 8:65
Fox = Subtlety: deception; cunning; a con man; false prophet; wicked leader; hidden sin (as in, ‘foxes have holes”/they hide.”)
Song of Solomon 2:15, Luke 13:32, Ezekiel 13:4,6
France = Romance: arrogant, surrender.
Friend = Self: the character or circumstances of one’s friend reveals something about oneself. Sometimes one friend represents another (look for another with the same name, initials, hair color, job, or trade, or one with similar traits, character, talents, personality, features, circumstances, etc.); the actual friend in the natural. (see also, name)
1st Samuel 15:8
Frog = Spirit: demon; witchcraft; curse; evil words (as in, ‘casting a spell;’) puffed up.
Psalm 78:45, Revelation 16:13
Front half of horse = First part of time or work: beginning; ready.
Front porch = Public: Open to everyone; exposed; revealed.
Mark 14:68, Acts 5:12, Joel 2:17
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Gardener = Laborer: preacher, pastor; Christ; minister.
Mark 4:14, 2nd Corinthians 9:10
Germany = Industrious: hardworking.
Giant = Strongman: champion; stronghold; challenge; obstacle; trouble; spiritual warfare; one’s own fleshly nature (to be overcome.)
Numbers 13:32b-33
Goat = Sinner: unbelief; stubborn; unyielding; strife; devourer; argumentative; negative person; scapegoat (one blamed for another’s wrongdoing.)
Matthew 25:33, Leviticus 16:10
Gold = Glory or Wisdom: truth; something precious; refining; righteousness; glory of God; self-glorification.
2nd Chronicles 16:2a, Colossians2:3, James 2:2-4
Goofy (Cartoon Character) = Foolish: dumb actions. (see also, cartoon character)
Governor = Rule: Christ; person in charge (good or bad.)
Malachi 1:8
Grandchild = Heir: oneself; inherited blessing or iniquity; one’s spiritual legacy; actual grandchild in the natural. (see also, grandmother)
2nd Timothy 1:5, Exodus 34:7, 2nd Kings 17:41
Grandfather = Past: spiritual inheritance (good or bad;) a call for self-examination for inherited traits, faults, or sins. (see also, antiques, house)
2nd Timothy 1:5, Proverbs 13:22a, Leviticus 26:39-40,42
Grandfather Clock = Past
Grandmother = Past: spiritual inheritance (good or bad;) a call for self-examination for inherited traits, faults, or sins. (see also, antiques, house)
2nd Timothy 1:5, Proverbs 13:22a, Leviticus 26:39-40,42
Grandparents = Past: spiritual inheritance (good or bad;) a call for self-examination for inherited traits, faults, or sins. (see also, antiques, house)
2nd Timothy 1:5, Proverbs 13:22a, Leviticus 26:39-40,42
Gray = Ill/not defined: unclear (as in ‘a gray area between right and wrong;’) vague; not specific; hazy; deceived; ambiguous; deception; hidden; crafty; false doctrine.
Hosea 7:9
Gray Hair = Wisdom: age; weakness. (see also, hair)
Proverbs 16:31, Hosea 7:9
Green = Life: Mortal; flesh; carnal; envy; inexperience; immature; renewal. (see also, evergreen, grass, tree)
Genesis 9:3, 1st Peter 1:24, Psalm 1:24, Luke 23:31
Groom = Christ: natural marriage.
Isaiah 62:5, Ephesians 5:31-32, 2nd Corinthians 6:14
Ground floor = Revealed: everyday or current affairs; that which is manifest; truth exposed; without hypocrisy. (see also, porch)
Mark 2:4-5
Gun/Bullets = Words: accusations; slander; gossip; power; if broken or inoperative gun, then may mean without authority or ability, without power, hindered; if .22/small caliber, then weak or ineffective weapon, without power, lack of prayer and/or fasting; if .357/larger caliber, then powerful, spiritual power through acceptable service, covenant, effective, the power of evil working through agreement (acquiescence) or conquest (our defeat.)
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Haircut = Putting away tradition or bad habits: repenting of bad attitudes. (see also, hair, beard, beauty shop)
Judges 16:17
Harlot = Seduction: the worldly church; adultery; fornication; temptation; snare; unclean person; stubborn. (see also, sex)
Revelation 17:5, Ecclesiastes 7:26, Jeremiah 3:3
Hawk = Predator: sorcerer; evil spirit; a warmonger. (see also, falcon)
Acts 20:30
Heel Kicking/Lifting = Threatening: betrayal; rebellion; persecution.
John 13:18
Heifer/Cow = Rebellious woman.
Jeremiah 7:8-11, Hosea 10:5, Malachi 4:2, Hosea 4:16a, Colossians 3:5, Exodus 32:4,35
Helicopter = Ministry: individual; the Church; versatile, no forward movement; stationary; lack of progress.
2nd Timothy 4:2a
Hen = Protection: gossip
Luke 13:34
Hog = Unclean: selfish; ‘backslider;’ unbeliever; glutton; fornicator; hypocrite; destroyer; devourer; idolater. (see also, boar)
2nd Peter 2:22, Matthew 7:6
Home = Heart: (as in ‘home is where the heart is;’) identity; roots; dwelling place. (see also, new house)
Luke 11:24, Acts 16:31, 1st Chronicles 17:5
Horn of Plenty/Cornucopia = Abundance: abundance without measure or limitation; goodness without end; blessed.
Deuteronomy 28:2,4-5, Galatians 5:22-23, Ephesians 3:20
Hornet = Affliction: stinging; biting words; slander; strife; curse (because of sin;) persecution; trouble; offense; demon spirits. (see also, bees)
Deuteronomy 7:20
Horse = Time or Work: flesh (as in,’the works of the flesh;’) the work of God’s Spirit through man; spiritual warfare; one week (or another specific period of time;) age; strength; power. (see also, front half of horse, back half of horse, horse’s rider)
Jeremiah 5:8, Psalm 33:17)
Horse’s rider = Nature of time or work: Anxious; happy; confident.
2nd Kings 4:24, Revelation 6:2, Revelation 6:8a
Hospital = Care: Church; place of healing; mercy; persons who are wounded, dying, or sick.
Luke 10:30, 33-34, Psalm 109:22, Isaiah 53:5
Hotel = Public place for rest and business: Church; place for rest in Christ; public gathering; travel; business travel; adultery; lust; temptation.
Acts 28:15
Hound = Strife: contention; offense; unclean spirit; obsession; guilt, shame, cowardly (if tail is tucked;) betrayal, unthankful, (if biting the hand that feeds it;) incessant nuisance, annoyance (if barking repeatedly;) single-minded pursuit of evil; demonized; deliberately evil; contagious evil; persecution; great danger (if a rapid dog) friend, acceptance (if tail is wagging;) persistence (if trailing game;) warning (if a positive bark) (see also; rapid dog, watchdog, bulldog, & hunting dog)
Galatians 5:15, Proverbs 26:17, Psalm 109:5, 2nd Timothy 3:2-4
House = Person or Family:an individual; Church; when naturally interpreted it means a dwelling place; heart; identity; roots. (see also, new house)
Luke 11:24, Acts 16:31, 1st Chronicles 17:5
House Trailer = Temporary: in regards to relationships, place, or situations; poverty.
James 4:14
House under construction = not ready to proceed with construction (when incomplete:) the local church body; church government; building program.
Psalm 11:3, Luke 14:29, 1st Corinthians 3:10-11, Ephesians 2:20
Hovering = No forward movement: stationary; lack of progress.
2nd Timothy 4:2a
Hundred = Fullness: full measure; full recompense; full reward, etc.
Genesis 26:12, Mark 10:30
Hunting Dog = Persistence: determination; pursuit; chase after; serving the Master; obsessed.
Husband = Authority: God or Christ; a divorcee’s first husband sometimes represents ‘the world’ (her bondage to sin before she was saved;) natural husband; satan.
Genesis 3:16, Isaiah 54:5, Jeremiah 3:20
Husband’s Sister = The Church
Idle/abandoned Factory = Not busy: not reaching full potential; laziness; idleness; sloth; natural workplace (when applicable.)
Indian/Native American = First: Flesh (as in ‘the old man;’) firstborn; chief; fierce; savvy; native.
Colossians 3:9, Genesis 49:3, Acts 15:22
Iron = Strength: powerful; invincible; stronghold; stubborn.
Daniel 2:40a, Isaiah 48:4, Deuteronomy 28:48
Israel = Jews: God’s chosen people; remnant; persecuted; wrestles with God; shrewd business dealings.
Jackass/Ass/Donkey = Obnoxious: Self-willed; bragging (if braying) stubborn; unyielding; tenacious.(see also; mule)
Proverbs 26:3, Numbers 22:25, 2nd Peter 2:16
Jail = Bondage: rebellion; strong emotion (such as; depression, fear, hatred, etc.); addiction (alcoholic, dope, etc.); sin; persecution.
Luke 4:18, Hebrews 2:15, 2nd Peter 2:14, 2nd Timothy 2:25-26, Jeremiah 38:6, Zechariah 9:12a
Jet = Ministry or Minister: powerful, fast, effective. (see also, passenger jet, airplane, fighter plane)
Judge = Authority: God; conscience; if evil, then satan; evil authority. (see courthouse, lawyer)
Psalm 75:7, James 5:9, Psalm 94:20, 1st Corinthians 11:31
Junkyard = Ruined: waste; wrecked; lost souls; the lost world; corruption; destruction. (see also, Garbage Dump)
Psalm 9:17, Proverbs 9:18, Isaiah 5:14
Kangaroo = To jump: predisposition; prejudiced (as in a ‘kangaroo court’ where the verdict is already decided beforehand;) to jump to a conclusion; Australia.
Proverbs 18:13, Deuteronomy 13:14)
Kicking/Lifting heel = Threatening: betrayal; rebellion; persecution.
Kid(s) = Oneself or themselves: the character or behavior reveals something about oneself (or something about one’s own child if the dream is be naturally interpreted.) Someone whom they remind you of; having the characteristics of said child; innocence; purity; multiple children gathered may represent the Church.
Ezekiel 16:44, Isaiah 3:4, 12a
Kind stranger = Jesus: a minister of mercy; helper, angel.
Kitchen = Heart: intent; motive; plans; passion; ambition; affliction (as in ‘if you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.’) (see also, oven, refrigerator)
Hosea 7:6, Hebrews 4:12
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Las Vegas, NV = Gambling: prostitution; sin; lust; debauchery, etc.
Jude 1:7
Lawyer = Advocate: Christ; a legalistic minister; if evil, then the devil’s advocate; the accuser of the brethren. (see also, courthouse, judge)
1st John 2:1, Luke 11:46, Revelation 12:10
Lead = Weight: wickedness; sin; burden (the cares of the world;) judgment; fool/foolishness.
Zechariah 5:8, Exodus 15:10, Proverbs 27:3, Hebrews 12:1
Left = Spiritual: weakness (of man;) God’s strength or ability demonstrated through man’s weakness; rejection.
Left turn = Spiritual change.
Leopard = Powerful: powerful leader (good or evil;) predator; permanent; unchanging evil person; danger. (see also, lion)
Jeremiah 5:6, Jeremiah 13:23
Library = Knowledge: education; intellectualism; learning; research; distraction (when noisy.) (see also, book, noise)
2nd Timothy 2:15, Ecclesiastes 12:12
Lice = Conviction: shame; guilt; accusation; affliction.
Exodus 8:17,19, John 8:6,9
Light/Very Light Blue = Spirit of man: evil spirit; corrupt.
Limousine = Important: pride; vanity.
Lion = Dominion: Christ; king; regal; bold; power; strength; lust; fornication; satan; religious tradition; destroying spirit. (see also, leopard)
Revelation 5:5, Proverbs 30:30, Proverbs 28:1, 1st Peter 5:8, Colossians 2:8
Living Room = Revealed: everyday or current affairs; that which is manifest; truth exposed; without hypocrisy. (see also, porch)
Mark 2:4-5
Lock Washer = Secure: unmovable; unyielding.
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Maggot = Corruption: Filthiness of the flesh; evil; death; rotten motives.
Psalm 22:6
Male Deer/Buck = Regal: rule; authority; strength; power.
Man (Stranger) = Angel, oneself, or a demon: God’s messenger (angel;) person with evil intent; danger. (see also, old man)
Matthew 2:13, Hebrews 13:2, Luke 10:33
Map = Directions: word of God; correction; advice.
Proverbs 6:23
Mechanic = Minister: Christ; prophet; pastor; counselor; need for adjustment in theology, attitude, relationship, etc. (see also, mechanic’s tools)
Exodus 31:3-4, 2nd Timothy 3:16
Mechanic’s Tools = Word of God: gifts of the Spirit; wisdom; knowledge. (see also, mechanic)
Medium/Dark Blue = God’s Spirit or Word: blessing; healing; good will.
Mice = Devourer: curse; plague; timid; quiet.
1st Samuel 6:4, Malachi 3:11a, 2nd Timothy 1:7
Mickey Mouse (Cartoon Character) = Sensitive hearing or insignificant.
Mirror, Rearview = Word: looking back; obsessed with the past; lack of forward focus or looking ahead.(see also, mirror)
Genesis 19:26
Moldy Bread = Unfit: tradition; without revelation; stale; defiled.
Joshua 9:5b, Malachi 1:7, 1st Corinthians 5:8, Matthew 15:2-3,6
Monkey = Foolishness or Clinging: mischief; dishonesty (as in ‘monkey business;’) addiction (as in a ‘monkey on his back.’)
Proverbs 27:22, Proverbs 23:35
Motel = Public place for rest and business: Church; place for rest in Christ; public gathering; travel; business travel; adultery; lust; temptation.
Acts 28:15
Moth = Deterioration: (a moth is an insect of darkness) loss through deceit; secret or undetected trouble; corruption; chastisement.
Hosea 5:12, Matthew 6:19a
Mother = Source: Church; spiritual or natural mother; love; kindness; if negative, then legalistic church; meddler; trouble. (see also, mother-in-law, father-in-law)
Genesis 3:20, Psalm 87:5-6
Mother-in-law = Legalistic church: meddler; trouble. (see also, mother, father-in-law)
Genesis 3:20, Psalm 87:5-6
Motor = Power: motive; motivation; anointing.
Acts 10:38
Motorcycle = Individual: personal ministry; independence; rebellion; selfish; pride; swift progress.
2nd Peter 2:10, 1st Samuel 15:23a
Moving Van = Change: geographical move (in the natural or spiritual, i.e. moving from one house/area to another or moving from one church to another, including changing affiliations/denominations;) relocation.
Ezekiel 12:2-3
Mule = Stubborn: self-willed; rebellious; tenacious; strong; unbelief. (see also, donkey)
Psalm 32:9, Zechariah 7:11
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Nation (or Nationality) = Characteristics: that for which the people are generally known; may represent the actual nation in the natural. (see also, city)
1st Kings 9:7b
Native American/Indian = First: Flesh (as in ‘the old man;’) firstborn; chief; fierce; savvy; native.
Colossians 3:9, Genesis 49:3, Acts 15:22
New House = New Life (as in salvation): change; renewal; new move (natural or spiritual.) (see also, moving van)
2nd Corinthians 5:1, 17
Nine = Harvest: fruit; fruitfulness; fruition.
Luke 17:17, Romans 6:22, Judges 4:1-3
Nineteen = Barren: ashamed; repentant; selflessness; without self-righteousness.
2nd Samuel 2:30, Romans 6:21
Ninety = Completely tested and approved
North = Spiritual: (In Hebrew: ‘On your left hand when you are facing east;’) judgment; heaven or heavenly; spiritual warfare (as in ‘taking your inheritance.’)
Proverbs 25:23, Jeremiah 1:13-14, Deuteronomy 2:3
Nuts/Bolts = Essential: bottom line (as in ‘getting down to the nuts and bolts’;) indispensible; wisdom; to fasten. (see also, lock washer)
Proverbs 4:7
Old House = Past: inheritance (ex: one’s grandparent’s religion, ways, or temperament;) established traditions; God’s ways (when it is an old house in good condition;) our sins or the sins of our fathers (if the old house is in bad condition;) restoration/renewal is needed (if the house needs renovation or remodeling;) untended (when unpainted or the property is overgrown with weeds;) neglect; unusable (when beyond repair;) ruin. (see also, grandmother/grandparents)
Genesis 12:1, Jeremiah 6:16
Old Man = Wisdom: (especially if he is white-headed;) carnal (as in ‘put off the old man;’) weak; fool (as in ‘there is no fool like an old fool.’)
Job 32:6-7,9, Proverbs 16:31
One = Beginning: first in: time, rank, order, or importance; new.
Genesis 1:1,5b,8:13
Orange = Danger: (a common color combination is orange and black, which together usually signifies great evil or danger;) great jeopardy; harm. (see also, bright/fire orange)
Matthew 5:22, Proverbs 6:27
Owl = Circumspect (looking around): wisdom (as in’wise as an owl;’) demon (because it is a bird of the night/darkness;) curse.
Exodus 23:13a, Isaiah 34:13
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Pan = Vessel: doctrine; tradition; a determination or resolve; form of the truth; a person.
Romans 2:20, Exodus 25:29, Isaiah 28:9-10, Jeremiah 1:13, 2nd Kings 21:13, 1st Thessalonians 4:3-5
Park = Rest: peace; God’s blessing; God’s provision (as in ‘the Garden of Eden;’) leisure; bounty; vagrancy.
Isaiah 58:11
Parrot = Mimic: copy; mock; repeat.
2nd Kings 2:23
Passenger (in vehicle) = Self: church member; family member. (see also, school bus driver)
Passenger Jet = The Church
Pastor = Messenger: shepherd; God’s representative; Christ; spiritual authority (good or evil as they can also represent satan;) deception.
Jeremiah 3:15, Jeremiah 23:1, 2nd Corinthians 11:13
Pastor’s wife = Church
Pet, personal = Something precious: friend.
Pick-up Truck = Work: personal ministry or work in the natural; dependable; humble. (see also, automobile)
1st Chronicles 13:7, Genesis 45:27, Galatians 6:5
Pig = Unclean: selfish; ‘backslider;’ unbeliever; glutton; fornicator; hypocrite; destroyer; devourer; idolater. (see also, boar)
2nd Peter 2:22, Matthew 7:6
Pilot = Control: self; Christ; pastor; teacher; satan; the emphasis may be on the nature of the driver (careless, careful, frantic, confident, selfish, rude, kind, etc.) (see also, airline pilot)
2nd Kings 9:20
Pink = Flesh: sensual; sensuous; immoral; moral (as in ‘a heart of flesh;’) chaste; a female infant.
Ezekiel 36:26, 2nd Corinthians 11:2
Pipe/Smoking = Intellectual pride
Isaiah 65:5, Proverbs 21:24, 1st Corinthians 8:1, Deuteronomy 29:19-20
Pistol = Words: accusations; slander; gossip; power; if broken or inoperative gun, then may mean without authority or ability, without power, hindered; if .22/small caliber, then weak or ineffective weapon, without power, lack of prayer and/or fasting; if .357/larger caliber, then powerful, spiritual power through acceptable service, covenant, effective, the power of evil working through agreement (acquiescence) or conquest (our defeat.)
Play = Worship: idolatry; covetousness; true worship; spiritual warfare; striving; competition. (see also, music, dancing)
1st Corinthians 10:7,9:24, Exodus 32:19, Colossians 3:5
Police = Authority: natural civil or spiritual authority (good or evil;) protection; control; angels or demons; an enforcer of a curse of the law/judgment (because of transgression or an evil covenant.)
Romans 13:1,4, Luke 12:11, Psalm 94:20, Hebrews 1:7,14
Porch/Front = Public: Open to everyone; exposed; revealed.
Mark 14:68, Acts 5:12, Joel 2:17
Pot = Vessel: doctrine; tradition; a determination or resolve; form of the truth; a person.
Romans 2:20, Exodus 25:29, Isaiah 28:9-10, Jeremiah 1:13, 2nd Kings 21:13, 1st Thessalonians 4:3-5
Powerboat = Support: powerful ministry or fast progress; life; person; recreation; spare time; if a large boat/ship, then the Church; if a small boat/ship, then personal ministry. (see also, battleship, shipwreck)
Genesis 6:16, Luke 8:22-23, 1st Timothy 1:19
Preacher = Messenger: God’s representative; Christ; spiritual authority (good or evil as they can also represent satan;) deception; evangelism; proclaiming.
Jeremiah 3:15, Jeremiah 23:1, 2nd Corinthians 11:13
Prison = Bondage: rebellion; strong emotion (such as; depression, fear, hatred, etc.); addiction (alcoholic, dope, etc.); sin; persecution.
Luke 4:18, Hebrews 2:15, 2nd Peter 2:14, 2nd Timothy 2:25-26, Jeremiah 38:6, Zechariah 9:12a
Prisoners = Lost Souls: stubborn; sinners; persecuted saints.
Luke 4:18, Hebrews 2:15, 2nd Peter 2:14, 2nd Timothy 2:25-26, Jeremiah 38:6, Zechariah 9:12a
Prostitute = Seduction: the worldly church; adultery; fornication; temptation; snare; unclean person; stubborn. (see also, sex)
Revelation 17:5, Ecclesiastes 7:26, Jeremiah 3:3
Purple = Royal: rule (good or evil;) majestic; noble.
Judges 8:26b, Mark 5:17
Quarter horse = Strong: good times; fast; agility; success.
Revelation 6:2
Quiver = Heart: children.
Rabbit = Increase: fast growth; multiplication (good or evil increase;) pagan rituals; lust; fornication. (see also, wild game)
Proverbs 20:21
Rabid Dog = Single-minded pursuit of evil: demonized; deliberately evil; contagious evil; persecution; great danger.
Galatians 5:15, Proverbs 26:17
Raccoon = Mischief: Night raider; rascal; thief; bandit; deceitful; obsessive or excessive cleanliness.
Proverbs 4:16a, Proverbs 10:23a
Raft = Adrift: without direction; aimless; powerless; makeshift. (see also, boat)
Acts 27:44, Ephesians 4:14a
Rat = Unclean: wicked person; jerk; devourer; plague (curse because of sin;) betrayer. (see also, mice)
Proverbs 17:13, Psalm 37:12, Leviticus 26:21
Rattlesnake = Words: threats; warning; alarm; fear.
Raven/Crow = Confusion: outspoken person; person operating under/out of a spirit of envy or strife, which causes confusion and disorder;) hateful; depression; grief; death; suicide; straight path/direct route (‘as the crow flies;’) God’s minister(s) of justice or provision.
James 3:16, Isaiah 34:11, Psalm 35:26, Proverbs 30:17
Rearview Mirror = Word: looking back; obsessed with the past; lack of forward focus or looking ahead.
Genesis 19:26
Red = Passion: emotion; anger; hatred; lust; sin; enthusiasm; zeal.
Revelation 6:4, James 4:1, Isaiah 1:18
Red horse = Persecution: anger; danger; opposition. (see also, red)
John 16:2,revelation 6:4
Reveille = Beginning: wake-up, call to assemble.
Isaiah 58:1, 1st Corinthians 14:8,15:52, Joel 2:15, Ephesians 5:14
Rifle = Words: accusations; slander; gossip; power; if broken or inoperative gun, then may mean without authority or ability, without power, hindered; if .22/small caliber, then weak or ineffective weapon, without power, lack of prayer and/or fasting; if .357/larger caliber, then powerful, spiritual power through acceptable service, covenant, effective, the power of evil working through agreement (acquiescence) or conquest (our defeat.)
Right = Natural: authority; power; the strength of man (flesh;) the power of God revealed through flesh (i.e. Christ or the Church;) accepted.
Matthew 5:29-30a, Genesis 48:18, Exodus 15:6, Matthew 25:33. 1st Peter 3:22
Right turn = Natural changes.
Roaches = Infestation: unclean spirits; uncleanness; hidden sin.
2nd Corinthians 7:1a
Roller Coaster = Unstable: emotional instability; unfaithfulness; wavering; manic-depressive/bi-polar; depression; trials; excitement.
Isaiah 40:4, James 1:6-8
Roof = Covering: protection; mind; thought.
Matthew 10:27, Isaiah 30:1, 2nd Samuel 11:2
Rooster = Boasting: bragging; proud; arrogance; sexual pride.
John 18:27, Luke 22:33-34
Rope/Cord = Bondage: sin; covenant; vow; hindrances; rescue; salvation.
Proverbs 5:22, Psalm 118:27, Jeremiah 38:11
Rough & Unshaven Face = Spiritual Neglect: uncleanness; coarse or harsh personality. (see also, hair)
Leviticus 21:5
Rowboat = Personal Work: life; person; recreation; spare time; personal ministry. (see also, boat, shipwreck, raft)
Genesis 6:16, Luke 8:22-23, 1st Timothy 1:19
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Sailboat = Support: moved by the Spirit; person; recreation; spare time; if a large boat/ship, then the Church; if a small boat/ship, then personal ministry; if powerboat, then powerful ministry or fast progress. (see also, battleship, shipwreck, raft)
Genesis 6:16, Luke 8:22-23, 1st Timothy 1:19
School = Teaching or learning: Church; people or work; teaching ministry; training.
Acts 19:9, Luke 8:35
School Bus = Teaching or youth ministry: learning and working together. (see also, bus)
School Bus Driver = Self: if the school bus driver is a teacher in the dream, then the passengers usually represent the driver’s students. (see also, friend)
Scorpion = Sin nature: lust of the flesh; temptation; deception; accusation; destruction; danger; demon.
Luke 10: 19, 1st Corinthians 15:56, Romans 7:23
Seat Belt = Security: safety; assurance; if unfastened, then unsafe, lack of prayer, lack of commitment, lack of attention to detail, etc.
Psalm 118:27
Seven = Complete: all; finished; rest.
Genesis 2:1,3
Seventeen = Incomplete: immature; undeveloped; unfinished; childish; naïve; a babe in Christ.
Genesis 37:2a, Jeremiah 32:9,15
Seventy = Complete acceptance or rejection: true forgiveness.
Sheep = Innocent: saint(s); unsaved person(s).
Matthew 10:6, 2nd Samuel 24:17a, Matthew 25:33
Ship = Support: life; person; recreation; spare time; if a large boat/ship, then the Church; if a small boat/ship, then personal ministry; if sailboat, then moved by the Spirit; if powerboat, then powerful ministry or fast progress. (see also, battleship, shipwreck, raft)
Genesis 6:16, Luke 8:22-23, 1st Timothy 1:19
Shipwreck = Apostasy; church split. (see also, raft)
Shirt = Covering: pertaining to the heart, i.e. righteousness or sin. (see also, coat, shirtless, clothing)
Shirtless = Self-righteousness: (male or female) self-justification; legalism; shame; temptation. (see also, coat, shirt, clothing.)
Shoes = Words: gospel; covenant; preparation; if new, then new ministry or way of life; if house slippers, then self-examination; if loafers, then may mean at ease; unconcern; hypocrisy; loafing. (see also, feet, shoes)
Ephesians 6:15, Ruth 4:7, Galatians 5:16
Silver = Knowledge: redemption; refining; idolatry; spiritual adultery; silver coins tend to mean revelation knowledge.
Proverbs 2:3-4, John 17:3, Acts 19:24
Sister = Self: spiritual sister/sister in Christ; someone she reminds you of; the Church; she may represent herself in the natural. (see also, husband’s sister, sister-in-law, name)
Matthew 12:50
Sister-in-law = Representative: someone she reminds you of or she may represent her family, herself, or the dreamer when the dreamer is female; adultery. (see also, friend, brother’s wife, husband’s sister, wife’s sister, wife of a recognized minister)
Leviticus 18:16
Six = Image: man; flesh; carnal; idol; form.
Genesis 1:26a,31b
Sixteen = Spirit: free spirited; without boundaries; without limitations; without law (and therefore, without sin[see Romans 4:15]); salvation.
Acts 27:34,37-38
Soaring/Flying = Moved by the Spirit: ministering in the gifts of the Spirit. (see also, flying near electrical/power lines, flying too low, airplane crash, falling, pilot)
Sloth = Lazy: lethargic; lifeless; slow.
1st Timothy 5:8, Proverbs 18:9, Ecclesiastes 10:18
Smoking = Pride: bitterness; bitter memories; offense; unforgiving; envy; jealousy; self-righteousness. (see also, cigarettes, cigars, pipe)
Isaiah 65:5, Proverbs 21:24, 1st Corinthians 8:1, Deuteronomy 29:19-20
Smoking Furnace = Offense: anger; trouble
Isaiah 65:5, Proverbs 21:24, 1st Corinthians 8:1, Deuteronomy 29:19-20
Snake = Curse: demon; deception; threat; danger; hatred; slander; critical spirit; drunkenness; witchcraft. (see also, bear, fangs, rattlesnake)
Genesis 3:14a, Amos 5:19, Psalm 140:3, Proverbs 23:32, Isaiah 59:5b
Soldier = Warfare: spiritual warfare; Christ; angel (protection;) demon (accuser or opponent;) persecution. (see also, guns, bullets)
Revelation 12:7,10; 2nd Timothy 2:3-4; Psalm 55:21
Son(s) = Oneself or themselves: the character or behavior of the son reveals something about oneself (or something about one’s own child if the dream is be naturally interpreted.) Someone whom they remind you of; having the characteristics of said child; innocence; purity; multiple children gathered may represent the Church.
Ezekiel 16:44, Isaiah 3:4, 12a
South = Natural: (In Hebrew: ‘On your right hand when facing east;) world; sin; temptation; trial; flesh; corruption; deception.
Joshua 10:40, Job 37:9
Spider = Evil: sin; deception; false doctrine; temptation.
Proverbs 30:24, 28, Romans 6:16
Station Wagon = Family: natural or spiritual family; family ministry; fellowship.
Ephesians 3:14-15, 1st John 1:7
Steel = Weight: wickedness; sin; burden (the cares of the world;) judgment; fool/foolishness.
Zechariah 5:8, Exodus 15:10, Proverbs 27:3, Hebrews 12:1
Stickers/Cockleburs = Irritant: irritated (as in a ‘burr under his saddle;’) minor afflictions.
Hebrews 6:8,Exodus 22:6, Matthew 13:22
Stranger/Man = Angel, oneself, or a demon: God’s messenger (angel;) person with evil intent; danger. (see also, kind stranger, white-headed stranger, friend, name)
Matthew 2:13, Hebrews 13:2, Luke 10:33
Stripper = Seduction: base carnality; lust; the worldly church; adultery; fornication; temptation; snare; unclean person; stubborn. (see also, sex, porn)
Revelation 17:5, Ecclesiastes 7:26, Jeremiah 3:3
Stork = Expectant: new birth; pregnancy; new baby; new experiences; that which is forthcoming.
Jeremiah 8:7
Swine = Unclean: selfish; ‘backslider;’ unbeliever; glutton; fornicator; hypocrite; destroyer; devourer; idolater. (see also, boar)
2nd Peter 2:22, Matthew 7:6
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Tan/Brown = Dead (as dead grass is brown): repented; born again; without spirit.
1st Peter 1:24
Taps = End: finished.
Isaiah 58:1, 1st Corinthians 14:8,15:52, Joel 2:15, Ephesians 5:14
Television = Watch out: watch for this coming up (can be the Holy Spirit warning you of what is coming your way–by what is on the TV screen, etc.); warning; entertainment; distraction; spirit of stupor; laziness; deception.
1st Corinthians 10:11-13, Proverbs 6:6-11
Ten = Measure: (For the purpose of accepting or rejecting that which is measured;) try or trial; test or to be tested; temptation.
Revelation 2:10a, Daniel 5:27
Termites = Corruption: hidden destruction; secret sin; deception; demons; unclean spirits. (see also, moth)
Psalm 11:3, Haggai 1:6
Terrapin = Slow: withdrawn; spirit of stupor; cautious; protected; safe; steady.
James 1:19
Thief = Hidden: deceiver; deception; fraud; destruction; satan; evil intent; works of the flesh; unexpected loss. (see also, victim of theft/thief’s victim)
John 10:10a, Colossians 2:8, Proverbs 29:24, 1st Thessalonians 5:2,4
Thief’s victim/Victim of theft = One who is a victim of false doctrine: (as in truth lost through tradition or philosophy;) loss of liberty; loss of salvation; temptation; unaware; secret; covert operation; God’s judgment/curse on the wicked. (see also, thief)
Thirteen = Rebel: rebellion; revolution; rejection.
Genesis 14:4
Thirty = Acceptably or unacceptably conformed: conformed to the world.
Thorns = Hindrance: gossip, evil circumstance; persecution; cares of this life; curse; defense (as in ‘a hedge of thorns.’) (see also, stickers/cockleburs)
Hebrews 6:8, Exodus 22:6, Matthew 13:22
Thousand = Maturity: full stature; mature service; mature judgment, etc.
Joshua 3:3-4, 1st Samuel 17:5,33, Ephesians 4:13
Three = Conform: obey; copy; imitate; likeness; tradition.
Genesis 1:9,11,13, Romans 8:29a
Tick = Hidden: hidden unclean spirit; oblivious to one’s true self (as in practicing self-justification and self-righteousness;) parasite; life-stealing; draining; pest.
Leviticus 5;2, Jeremiah 17:9
Tiger = Danger: powerful minister (danger for the devil;) evil; dangerous person (good or evil.) (see also, leopard)
1st John 3:8
Tin = Dross/Waste: worthless; impurity; cheap; purification.
Isaiah 1:25
Tin Roof = Covering: protection; mind; thought.
Matthew 10:27, Isaiah 30:1, 2nd Samuel 11:2
Tires = Spirit: life (as in ‘where the rubber meets the road;’) often relates the spiritual condition; if tires are deflated, then discouragement, dismay, hindrance, lack of prayer, lack of covering, lack of power.
Exodus 14:25, Ezekiel 1:20
Tractor Trailer = Large Burden: ministry; powerful; large work; the size of the truck is often in proportion to the burden or size of the work;) the Church. (see also, truck)
2nd Samuel 6:3, Acts 5:14
Tractor, Farm = Powerful work: slow but powerful ministry; if plowing, then may represent preaching/teaching.
Acts 1:8,4:33
Train = Continuous: unceasing work; the Church; connected; fast. (see also, train wreck, railroad track)
Acts 2:42
Train Station = Waiting: preparing; being made ready (for ministry, travel, change, etc.); the Church.
1st Peter 3:20, Jeremiah 23:22
Train wreck = Failure: church split (survivors would most likely be those remaining after the split;) personal disaster (i.e. a failed marriage, business venture, etc.) (see also, train, driver)
Transmission/Vehicle part = Change: steps; change of direction; change of purpose or intensity of ministry; transformation.
Romans 12:2a
Truck, Pick-up = Work: personal ministry or work in the natural; dependable; humble. (see also, automobile)
1st Chronicles 13:7, Genesis 45:27, Galatians 6:5
Truck, Tractor Trailer = Large Burden: ministry; powerful; large work; the size of the truck is often in proportion to the burden or size of the work;) the Church.
2nd Samuel 6:3, Acts 5:14
Trumpet/Cornet = Voice: announcement; preaching; prophesying; warning; call to assemble; worship; tongues; the rapture; if sounding reveille, then beginning, wake-up, call to assemble; if playing ‘taps,’ then end; finished.
Isaiah 58:1, 1st Corinthians 14:8,15:52, Joel 2:15, Ephesians 5:14
Turkey = Foolish: dumb; clumsy (in word or deed;) thanksgiving; provision.
Ecclesiastes 9:12
Turtle = Slow: withdrawn; spirit of stupor; cautious; protected; safe; steady.
James 1:19
Twelve = Joined: united; govern; government; oversight.
Luke 9:1-2,22:30, 1st Corinthians 1:10, Hebrews 13:17
Twenty = Holy: tried and approved or tried and found wanting.
Revelation 4:4
Two = Divide: judge; separate; discern.
Genesis 1:6,8b, 1st Kings 3:25,28
Unshaven, Rough Face = Spiritual Neglect: uncleanness; coarse or harsh personality. (see also, hair)
Leviticus 21:5
Upper Room = Spiritual: thought (godly or carnal;) prayer; spiritual service. (see also, attic)
Acts 1:13-14, Acts 20:7-8
Upstairs = Spiritual: thought (godly or carnal;) prayer; spiritual service. (see also, attic)
Acts 1:13-14, Acts 20:7-8
Urinating = Spirit: if full bladder, then may mean pressure, as in a compelling urge; temptation (as in sexual lust or strife;) if bladder infection or cancer, then offense or enmity.
Proverbs 17:14, 1st Samuel 25:22
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Van = Family: natural or spiritual family; family ministry; fellowship.
Ephesians 3:14-15, 1st John 1:7
Van, Moving = Change: geographical move (in the natural or spiritual, i.e. moving from one house/area to another or moving from one church to another, including changing affiliations/denominations;) relocation.
Ezekiel 12:2-3
Very light blue = Spirit of man: evil spirit; corrupt.
Victim of theft/Thief’s victim = One who is a victim of false doctrine: (as in truth lost through tradition or philosophy;) loss of liberty; loss of salvation; temptation; unaware; secret; covert operation; God’s judgment/curse on the wicked. (see also, thief)
Viper = Curse: demon; deception; threat; danger; hatred; slander; critical spirit; drunkenness; witchcraft. (see also, bear, fangs, rattlesnake)
Genesis 3:14a, Amos 5:19, Psalm 140:3, Proverbs 23:32, Isaiah 59:5b
Vulture = Scavenger: unclean; impure; an evil person; all seeing & waiting (in an evil sense, as a person hovering waiting for parents to die so that they can take their possessions.)
Deuteronomy 14:12-13, Proverbs 30:17
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Warlock = Witchcraft: control, evil influence; evil intent; seduction; non-submissive person; rebellion; slander; gossip; worldly ‘church;’ evil/unclean spirit; demonic.
1st Samuel 15:23a, 1st Kings 21:25, Revelation 2:20
Warrior = Warfare: spiritual warfare; Christ; angel (protection;) demon (accuser or opponent;) persecution. (see also, guns, bullets)
Revelation 12:7,10; 2nd Timothy 2:3-4; Psalm 55:21
Wasp = Affliction: stinging; biting words; slander; strife; curse (because of sin;) persecution; trouble; offense; demon spirits. (see also, bees)
Deuteronomy 7:20
Watchdog = Watchman: elder; minister (can be good or bad;) alert; beware; warning; wake up!
Isaiah 56:10-11, Psalm 68:23
Weasel = Wicked: renege on a promise (as in ‘weasel out of the deal;’) informant or ‘tattle tail;’ a ‘Judas’/betrayer; traitor.
Mark 14:10
Web = Snare: lies/deception (as in ‘what tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive.’)
Ecclesiastes 7:26
West = End: (In Hebrew: ‘The region of the evening/setting sun;’) grace; death; last; conformed.
Exodus 10:19, Psalm 103:12, Luke 12:54
Wheel = Spirit: life (as in ‘where the rubber meets the road;’) often relates the spiritual condition; if tires are deflated, then discouragement, dismay, hindrance, lack of prayer, lack of covering, lack of power.
Exodus 14:25, Ezekiel 1:20
White = Pure: without mixture or compromise; unblemished; spotless; righteousness; blameless; truth; innocence.
Revelation 19:8, 2nd Kings 5:27
White Clouds = Good Change: glory; revival. (see also cloud, fog)
Zephaniah 1:15, Zechariah 10:1
White Elephant = Unusable item: unsalable; unwanted.
Whore = Seduction: the worldly church; lust; adultery; fornication; temptation; snare; unclean person; stubborn. (see also, sex)
Revelation 17:5, Ecclesiastes 7:26, Jeremiah 3:3
Wife = Covenant: joined; job; business; hobby; passion; Church; dedicated involvement in any activity; help; her husband’s own person; may represent herself in the natural. (see also, marriage, brother’s wife, wife’s sister, wife of a recognized minister)
Galatians 4:24a, Ephesians 5:23,32, 1st Corinthians 7:33
Wife of a recognized minister = The Church
Wife’s Sister = The wife herself
Wild Game = Work: seeking and doing God’s Word and work; sorcery. (see also, food/milk, teeth)
Proverbs 12:27
Witch = Witchcraft: control, evil influence; evil intent; seduction; non-submissive person; rebellion; slander; gossip; worldly ‘church;’ evil/unclean spirit; Jezebel spirit; demonic.
1st Samuel 15:23a, 1st Kings 21:25, Revelation 2:20
Wolf = Predator: devourer; false prophet; evil minister or governor; person seeking their own gain; womanizer; loner; God’s minister of justice.
Matthew 7:15, Acts 20:29-30
Woman (stranger) = Spirit: seducing spirit; temptation; deception; witchcraft; God’s messenger/angel; one’s own self. (see also, harlot, name)
Proverbs 2:16,23:27, Luke 13:21
Worm = Corruption: Filthiness of the flesh; evil; death; rotten motives.
Psalm 22:6
Wreck, Car/Automobile = Strife: contention; conflict; confrontation; calamity; offense; mistake or sin in ministry (as in ‘a failure to maintain the right of way.’) (see also, boat, car)
Nahum 2:4
Wreck, Ship/Boat = Apostasy; church split.
Wreck, Train = Failure: church split (survivors would most likely be those remaining after the split;) personal disaster (i.e. a failed marriage, business venture, etc.) (see also, train, driver)
Xylophone = You need more sleep! ;)
Yard = Past, present, or future depending on whether it is back, or front yard: Back = the past; previous event(s) or experience(s) (good or evil;) unaware; unsuspecting; hidden; memory. If front, then more likely; future; present; prophecy; immediate; current.
Philippians 3:13
Yellow = Gift: a gift (with feeling;) gift from or of God; marriage; family; honor; deceitful gift; timidity; fear; cowardliness; welcome home (as in ‘a yellow ribbon.’) (see also, rose)
Psalm 68:13, Proverbs 19:14, 2nd Timothy 1:7
Zoo = Strange: commotion; confusion; chaos; disarray; very busy place; noisy strife; life; quality time with the family (if family is present in the dream as such.)
Luke 5:26, James 3:16
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